A good Marketing Strategy creates desire for your solutions.

Organizations that have great products, services and solutions, typically lose money only because they do not get the opportunity to work and display their value. They make minor mistakes in talking about themselves in the right way, to the right people and at the right time.

A good marketing strategy sets things right. A good product market fit, a good communications strategy and a good purposeful brand presence makes for the best support for a business that knows how to deliver value.

Good marketing eventually generates desire in potential customers to take the plunge and work with a company, and eventually help them generate value and capture profits.

Overall marketing strategy is based on deep research of the market, customer preferences, available alternatives and product attributes. Based on these factors, we design the core value proposition being offered and how this value proposition should be taken to market through a GTM (go-to-market strategy).

Beyond the hard elements of features and competitive advantage, our marketing strategy approach focuses on the key soft elements of brand positioning, personality, visual and aural identity and tone of voice. The approach typically works over the following key steps

  1. Industry research
    • to identify customer’s need, preferences, competitor’s approach and potential gaps
  2. Company’s capability analyses
    • to identify what is the potential value proposition that the company can offer
  3. Need gap analysis
    • that outlines potential overlap where need gaps can be filled by the company’s capabilities
  4. Identification of training needs
    • where the company needs to increase its capability to fill the gaps through new solutions
  5. Brand identity workshops
    • to increase awareness through a mix of personality, content, channel presence
  6. Creating a GTM timeline
    • for go-to-market (GTM) strategy so that the value proposition and brand identity can be regularly shared with potential customers
  7. Identifying key resources
    • for executing the strategy and building a comprehensive marketing budget.
  8. Creating a tracking dashboard
    • to regularly monitor metrics and activities in alignment with the identified strategy.

Our uniqueness

  1. Deep strategy expertise to understand company strategy, and to align marketing to the same
  2. High hands-on direct operations experience. We have directly delivered on marketing and product strategies in many industries, and hence understand how to actually create good products and solutions
  3. Analytical, numbers first approach, to ensure that actions have defined positive commercial and economic impact on the customers and us. This step includes the whole range of secondary research.
  4. Detailed stakeholder interactions, not just at the senior level, but at the actioning level. Having hundreds of interviews and correlating that with internal and benchmark data where available. This is a specialized way of conducting primary technical deep dives, along with technical experts.
  5. Conducting multi-day process immersion session including shadowing to understand the real situation and not just how people perceive it.  This is a specialized way of conducting primary research.
  6. Creating actionable solutions, that can be enacted by the resources available or by making resources available through our network.
  7. Creating an Estimate of Value and constructing a proof-of-value measurement dashboard to regularly see how the strategy is being executed and creating value.


What is marketing strategy ?

A marketing strategy is a plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and tactics of a business or organization to promote its products or services to its target audience. A marketing strategy typically includes an analysis of the market situation, the identification of the customer segments, the value proposition, the positioning statement, the marketing mix, and the budget and evaluation metrics.

How is marketing strategy different from business strategy ?

Marketing strategy is the process of identifying, analysing and satisfying the needs and wants of your target customers. Business strategy is the overall plan and direction of your organization, including its vision, mission, goals and objectives. Marketing strategy supports business strategy by aligning your products or services with the market demand and creating a competitive advantage. Marketing strategy also helps to communicate your value proposition and brand identity to your potential and existing customers.

How is marketing strategy different from positioning strategy ?

Marketing strategy and positioning strategy are two related but distinct concepts in the field of business. Marketing strategy refers to the overall plan and actions that a company takes to promote its products or services to the target market. Positioning strategy, on the other hand, refers to the specific way that a company wants to be perceived by its customers in relation to its competitors. Positioning strategy is a subset of marketing strategy, as it helps to define the unique value proposition and differentiation of a product or service.