The Challenge

WNS was a well-known player in the travel industry outsourcing, with a strong presence in India and the Philippines.

However, the company faced increasing competition from other low-cost offshore providers, and wanted to expand its offerings in high-end telecom, analytics, finance and accounting (F&A), and banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sectors. These sectors required more specialized skills and expertise, and WNS needed to position itself as a credible and reliable partner for its clients.

The Solution

The team decided to take a two-pronged approach to build its “Specialist” brand in the outsourcing market.

The first prong was to attract and retain specialist employees who could deliver high-quality services to the clients. WNS launched a campaign called “We Nurture Specialists”, which highlighted the company’s culture of learning, development, and innovation. WNS also invested in training and certification programs, employee engagement initiatives, and performance incentives to create a pool of talented and motivated specialists.

The second prong was to build thought leadership content and establish a strong presence in the US and UK markets, where most of its clients were based. WNS created a dedicated web-based marketing team, which produced white papers, case studies, blogs, podcasts, webinars, and newsletters on various topics related to outsourcing, telecom, analytics, F&A, and BFSI. WNS also hired senior executives and experts from these sectors, who could act as spokespersons and advisors for the company. WNS leveraged its web-based marketing channels to showcase its expertise, insights, and success stories to its potential and existing clients.

The Results

WNS’s strategy of building a specialist brand paid off in terms of business growth, reputation, and employee satisfaction.

WNS was able to:

  • Build a strong brand identity in the F&A, logistics, analytics, telecom, and BFSI sectors, and differentiate itself from its competitors.
  • Acquire new clients and contracts, as well as expand its scope of work with existing clients, in these sectors.
  • Gain respect and recognition from industry analysts, media, and peers, as a leading and innovative outsourcing provider.
  • Increase its hiring by 300%, and reduce its attrition rate to 18%, by attracting and retaining specialist employees.
  • Boost its US pipeline by 3X, and increase its revenues by 250%, by expanding its presence and influence in the US and UK markets.